When Can I Start Walking After 3D Bunion Correction™
Immediately! Well of course that is little oversimplified, let me explain.
Lapiplasty® is an amazing improvement for bunion sufferers in so many ways. It corrects a 3 dimensional problem with a 3 dimensional procedure, restoring normal anatomic alignment of your joint, and giving you a normal looking, narrower foot. Lapiplasty® also significantly reduces risk of bunion recurrence but, patients often love most though is the ability to walk on your foot almost immediately after surgery.
Traditional bunion surgery requires no weightbearing for 2 to 4 weeks, and some physicians even require up to 8 weeks of no walking. Below, is the post-operative protocol that I employ, which allows you to put pressure on your foot even on the day of your surgery.
Day of surgery until first post-operative appointment (approximately 3 -5 days)
Weight-bearing in your boot with crutches or walker as tolerated for short distances in home, long distance a knee scooter is recommended. Patients will walk flatfooted on surgical side in boot, never advancing the good foot beyond the surgical foot. Think the traditional slow walk brides used to walk down the aisle.
A tall boot is required to limit excessive motion at surgical site.
First follow-up appointment until 2nd appointment (approximately post-operative day 3-14)
Heel touch weight-bearing in your boot is allowed with the use of crutches or walker, again, a knee scooter for long distances makes movement easier.
2nd follow-up appointment until 3rd post-operative appointment (post-operative weeks 2-6)
Gentle progression to full weight-bearing can begin in boot with crutches or a walker to assist. By week four after surgery, most patients are able to fully discontinue use of crutches and begin full normal weight-bearing in walking boot. Obviously, if you are going long distances a knee scooter makes movement much easier.
3rd post-operative appointment until 12 weeks post-op (weeks 6-12)
At you third appointment, X-rays are taken to confirm adequate healing. After this appointment you will begin transition to an athletic/running shoe with an over the counter insert. A half size larger shoe may need to be purchased due to post-operative swelling at this time. Low impact exercise is allowed (stationary biking, rowing, swimming, non-weightbearing exercise) as tolerated.
As you transition to a shoe you will wear the boot in the morning and then in the evening transition to a athletic/running shoe for 2 hours. Each following day, begin with the boot and add an additional 2 hours as tolerated. Once you achieve 8-10 hours comfortably in athletic shoe the transition is complete and you can discontinue boot.
Week 12 and beyond
After three months x-rays will be taken and if healing is complete, you can return slowly to impact exercise like running, sports and aerobics. Of course, transition to heeled shoes will require starting with low heals and increasing height as tolerated. Full return to all shoe types usually takes about 6 months after surgery.
6 months after surgery
While some residual swelling and tenderness may persist as full recovery takes an entire year, no restrictions to activity or shoes are typically noted at this point.
Remember, the guidelines above are just that guidelines, not written in stone. If you have additional procedures performed unrelated to your bunion, or if your healing takes longer due to age, your health or noncompliance, the transition process may take longer for you. Dr. Steinke will cater your recovery plan to your specific needs.
For consultation click here to schedule online or please call Dr. Paul Steinke’s office at 817-416-6155. Just ask for the 3dbuniondoc!