What Items Do I Need to Recover From Bunion Surgery

While proper surgical technique and procedure selection are very important, the things you do during your recovery are equally important. To aid in your recovery you will need a few items.   Many of these items will be provided by your physician.   Remember, 100% effort helps you get 100% results.

Items you need for recovery

1) Gel ice packs, at least three to rotate (one free pack will be provided by Dr. Steinke’s office)

2) Sitting stool for use in shower if you don’t have a bench

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3) Cast protector or bag to keep foot dry in shower (can be provided by Dr. Steinke’s office). And no, you wont be in a cast, it is just what the bag is called.

4)  Two pillows to elevate surgical foot when at rest and sleeping

5) Crutches or walker, knee scooter is optional but recommended to use for longer distances, and ease of use. 

Crutches/walkers can be purchased at a local pharmacy or durable medical equipment supplier; knee scooters can be rented for 4 weeks from local vendors or purchased online for around 125 dollars.

6) Pain medication – prescribed by physician, usually a narcotic.

7)     Over the counter(OTC) pain medication – discuss with your physician but breakthrough pain can be treated with anti-inflammatories like Motrin(ibuprofen) and Aleve(naproxen) as long as no medical issues are not present that prohibit their use

8) A tall walking boot will be provided to you on the day of your pre-operative appointment. This will be worn for 6 weeks at which time you will transition to an athletic shoe.

9) Nylon compression sleeve will be dispensed after 2 weeks and your sutures have been removed. This prevents swelling and comfortably fit over foot, where an ace bandage can be bulky, wrinkle

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Optional items

1) A few good books or a streaming TV service – you are gonna have some time on your hands, entertainment is a must

2) Scar cream – I recommend Mederma, version with SPF if you will let skin be in sun. See the previous scar blog that discusses scar creams in greater detail.

3) Larger athletic shoe - Plan to purchase an athletic shoe a 1/2 size larger than normal shoe after your 6-week post-op appointment.  This will be worn for about 6 months, at which time swelling will have been improved enough to return to your normal size. 

4) Supplements:  taking a daily multivitamin is recommended prior to surgery and throughout recovery process.  Several blood tests will be performed on you before surgery:  a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) and Vitamin D testing is performed prior to surgery, and if you are deficient in Vitamin D or Calcium supplementation may be recommended.   Protein supplementation to your diet may also be recommended based on these lab results.  

5) Wedge Pillow:  Wedge pillows help you to elevate your leg while you sleep.   Sometimes patients find them a little too aggressive (too high), others find them very convenient, pillows work fine for most.

6) Shower wand to make bathing easier, remember you will be sitting in shower for several weeks after surgery. I recommend installing one temporarily.

7) A flat bottomed post-operative shoe may be provided if you need to drive after surgery. This should will only be worn while driving and only after at least two weeks of recovery.

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8) Toe spreader and/or bunion splint. These devices help maintain the straight alignment of your toe during recovery. This is needed on a case by case basis.

9) Even upper is a device that is placed over the shoe on the nonoperative foot. This helps patients “even up” their gait if they find the boot causes back hip or knee pain.

Do not follow recommendations from anyone but Dr. Steinke or representatives from his office. Other physicians, nurses or friends do not know your specific condition or may not understand 3D bunion correction. Always feel free to discuss any requests with Dr. Steinke if you would like to use any specific items during your recovery.

For consultation please call Dr. Paul Steinke’s office at 817-416-6155. Just ask for the 3dbuniondoc! Click here to schedule online


When Can I Start Walking After 3D Bunion Correction™


How to Reduce Scarring After Bunion Surgery